Title IX & Sexual Misconduct Report Form

This form may be used to share information with the BCU Title IX Office related to an alleged sexual harassment or sexual violence by a member of the BCU community or a visitor.

BCU prohibits sexual harassment and sexual violence, including sex or gender discrimination, harassment based on sex, sexual orientation or gender identity, sexual assault, rape, sexual exploitation, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, and retaliation.

Anyone can use this form to report an incident. You may submit this form anonymously by leaving the name and contact information fields blank. Anonymous reports, however, may limit the University’s ability to respond effectively to the submitted information.

After you submit the report, it will be delivered to BCUs Title IX Coordinator for review. If you provide your name and contact information, the Title IX Coordinator or a Deputy Title IX Coordinator will check in with you to learn what resources and support you might want or need, and make sure that you have been provided important information about options and next steps.

This form alone does not initiate an investigation, although you may choose to do that. This form is a way for you to tell us about your experience and for you to learn about supportive measures and resolution options. If you believe you have experienced sexual misconduct by a current BCU student, faculty, or staff member, you may, if you choose, file a formal complaint to initiate an investigation.

BCU supports persons affected by sexual misconduct. Support is available in many forms and is available regardless of whether you decide to submit a formal complaint.

The University offers access to confidential resources for students and employees who are unsure about whether to report prohibited conduct or are seeking counseling or other emotional support in addition to (or without) making a report to the University.

Confidential Resources

You can make a confidential report of sexual violence and still receive counseling or other services through these departments or agencies. 

Student Counseling Center
Student Health
Campus Ministry
Employee Assistance Program (for employees)

Non-Confidential Campus Resources

The campus offices below are excellent sources of support. Even though they are required to share information with the Title IX Coordinator, your information will be kept private and will only be shared with people who can provide help.  We want to be sure you are aware of your options and all the support that is available to you. 

Title IX Office
Human Resources

Other Resources

Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN)
It's on Us to Stop Sexual Assault
Sioux City Police Department
U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights

You will find more information about support and resources on the Title IX Resources Page.

If this is an emergency, call 911.